Saturday 27 January 2024

અંગ્રેજી સુલેખન


           Mr. Patel is our English teacher. He is always at school. He is never at home on a Monday. Last Monday was no different. He was not in bed. He was in the classroom and he was cold! He was not in warm clothes. In fact, all the students were cold. It was freezing. The school was like a refrigerator. Our room was like a freezer ! And poor Mr. Joshi was like ice! The small class was cold, cold, cold! It was raining heavily. I left the school early.


Once there was an elephant. People called him Motu. He had a friend. He was a rat. His name was Chhotu. Both Chhotu and Motu loved swimming. One day Motu walked to the river. He entered the water. He enjoyed swimming for a long time. Then Chhotu also arrived there. He looked at Motu and shouted, "Motu, come out for a minute." Motu answered, "Don't disturb me. I will not come out. Let me swim."


There was a small village in the mountains. The name of the village was Surajpur. There was a big forest all around Surajpur. People in Surajpur were happy. They worked hard and grew good crops.


Birju, a young man, also lived in Surajpur. He was tall and handsome. He was wealthy, too. But he was not brave. He was afraid of even a mouse. He never went out at night. The children teased him, "Birju, the coward."


Once the village sarpanch received a note from some dacoits."We are coming to your village tonight. Keep all your money and ornaments ready." The sarpanch called the villagers. He showed them the note.Some villagers wanted to attack the dacoits. Some others said, "We shall trap them."Birju was also there. He stood up and told the sarpanch. "Sir, don't worry about the dacoits. I will teach them a lesson."


After sunset Birju and his friends gathered at the village gate. They carried a bundle of wire and sticks. They tied the wire to the trees across the road. Then they hid themselves behind the trees.It was dark. They did not see anyone for a long time. Late at night the dacoits came on horseback.


Now, the short hand was angry," Stop your noise." He kicked hard. The thin and the long hands fell down. Kanjibhai noticed this first. He looked up to set his wrist-watch. He informed the municipality. The municipality replaced it with a digital clock. But then, a sparrow went to the chief officer. It complained," Where is my swing? Where shall I sit, sing and play?"


Khushi : Mummy, I want to make a clock.

Bhartiben: For school project?

Khushi : Yes, mom. What are the things we need?

Bhartiben: We need a card sheet and scissors. We can use the cover of an old notebook.

Khushi : Here are the notebook covers and the scissors. I like a square faced clock.


I had a bad experience.It happened last week. There was a marriage ceremony in neighbour hood. There was a lot of noise. I could not sleep properly. So, I woke up at half past eight. I got up quickly and took a shower in a hurry. I had no time to take a cup of tea.It was ten to nine. I drove my bike fast. I hoped to reach on time. I accelerated the bike. The traffic light was red. I failed to stop my bike at the traffic signal.


When I arrived at my office, I was surprised. The gate of the office was closed. The main door was also closed.Then I realised the mistake. I checked the day on my cell phone. It was Sunday.


Three college friends were shifting to a new place. The new house was on the fifth floor.They have shifted all the luggage and now only one thing is left out. It was a heavy trunk full of books. As they started to take the trunk at the ground floor, the third friend said, "Wait, I think....


Rupesh:Good evening, sir.

Mr Pankh: Oh, Rupesh I Good evening. What's the matter?

Rupesh :Sir, will you please give me some tea-leaves?

Mr Parikh: Of course. Here they are

Rupesh :Thank you, sir.


Mr Parikh:Oh, Mitesh. Please come. What happened?

Mitesh:Thank you, sir. Sir, can you give me some milk?

Mr Parikh: Let me see. I have a little milk But... I will give you half a cup of milk

Mitesh: Thank you sir for being kind to me.


The Maharaja of Travancore ordered a huge dinner. That was for many important guests. So the Maharaja personally came to the kitchen. He wanted best dishes for the guests. The cook was busy with his work when the Maharaja came.


         Then the king left the kitchen. The cook was worried. He stared at the scraps and started thinking. He had an idea. He first washed the vegetables. Then he cut the vegetables into long strips. He put them in a big pot. He started to cook it. He ground some fresh coconut, green chillies and garlic together. He added this paste into the vegetables. He then added salt, too. He added some whipped curd to the curry. He also poured a few spoonfuls of coconut oil. He then decorated the dish with curry leaves. The new dish was ready. He served the dish to the guests. Everyone liked it very much.


        A sparrow and a parrot were good friends. Everyday they talked with each other. But the parrot lived in a cage in Parul's house. The sparrow lived in a tree. Parul gave the parrot good food. The sparrow worked for food. Once the parrot invited the sparrow to come into his cage and share his happiness. The sparrow said, 'No.' She was very happy outside the cage. The parrot also wanted to come out of the cage. So the sparrow helped him to open the cage. Both the friends flew away in the open sky.


Alka, her friend Shabana and Yuvraj are on a visit to a circus. They are visiting it in day time. They are in a big canvas tent. The manager is talking to them.

Manager: Come this way, children! We have many animals and birds. They can do wonderful tricks.


         I want to become a teacher. I will laugh with my students. I will not shout at them but will shout with them. I will never insult my students and will not find faults with them. Every student has some special ability. I will play with them and will discover their special abilities. My student will give their opinions in the class. I will not insist on the pin drop silence in the class room. There will be cheerful voices in my class. I dislike lectures. So, I will teach my students through activities. We will do a lot of listening-speaking and hands on activities together. We will go out, sing, dance and have fun together. In short, I will be a friend for all. They all will love me. I will enjoy my life as a teacher.


Mr Mafatlal was a lazy man. He did not like to work. He sat idle or moved here and there all the time.One day he went for a walk. He stopped on the way to take rest. He sat down under a tree. Then he saw a hen's egg lying on the grass under the tree.


Mr Mafatlal looked at the broken egg. "Oh dear!" he said. Now I shall not have any chicks. I shall not have any hens. They will not lay any eggs. I shall not be rich. I shall not have a big house. I shall not have lots of servants and cars. Oh dear!"

"Yes," said Chhaganlal, "You will be poor Mr Mafatlal. But you can try your luck next time. Come on. Start working and earn."


First of all, I will make a bicycle. Then, I will sell the bicycle and earn money. I will open a cycle store with the help of the money. My store will be popular. I will sell many cycles and earn more money. Then, I will open a bike showroom and I will sell bikes. Thus, I will earn a lot of money and I will become a millionaire.


There was a beautiful lake in a forest. Four friends a deer, a crow, a mouse and turtle lived there. They met everyday near the lake. As usual they met one day but the Deer was missing.

Mouse: Friends, where is our dear Deer?

Crow: Don't worry. She will be here soon.

Turtle: She is always on time. She may be in trouble today.

Mouse I think you are right. It's too late. She may be in trouble.


        The Antelope was a large ship. Once it was sailing in the Pacific Ocean. There were thirty sailors on it. Besides the sailors, there were a captain and a doctor named Gulliver.


        In the beginning, the sailing was smooth. But then there arose a storm in the sea. There was strong wind and heavy rain. Sailing became difficult. The ship began to drift. Then suddenly it hit against a rock and broke to pieces. Everyone on the ship started screaming and crying for help. They tried to swim to the shore, but only Gulliver reached the shore. It was the shore of an island. The name of the island was Lilliput.


     Gulliver was both hungry and thirsty. 'How can I talk to these people except through gestures?' he thought. So he made signs for eating and drinking. Luckily the tiny people understood his signs and brought small baskets of food. They also brought tiny barrels of water. Gulliver ate all the food and drank all the water. Now he felt refreshed.


      Saturday was market day. Leela woke up early. She washed her face and hands. The bullock-cart was ready. Yasmeen and her grandmother came to her house. They put their baskets in the bullock-cart. Then they climbed in. Gopal and Seeta did not go with them. They went to school.


      It was dark and the stars were in the sky. Yasmeen and Leela slept in the cart. Radhabai and Aminabai slept, too. Leela's father shut his eyes. But the bullocks did not sleep. They walked on and on.They came to a bridge over a river. They stopped there. Leela's mother took some food from her box and some milk from her pot. They ate the food and drank the milk. The bullocks drank water at the river and ate the grass near the river.


      Gandhiji was a busy man. He thought of the problems of the whole nation. But he always found time to laugh. He had a fine sense of humour. He never made fun of anybody His laughter was mixed with love. Many children stayed with Gandhiji at the Sabarmati Ashram. They often asked him questions and Gandhiji answered them. His replies were always brief. However, the children wished to have a long conversation with him.


      One day a child said to Gandhiji, "Bapu, you sometimes talk to us about the Gita.Arjun asks Shri Krishna a short question and Shri Krishna gives a very long answer to it." The child complained that the children of the Ashram asked Bapu a long question and he answered it in a sentence or two. He said that it was not proper.Gandhiji smiled and said, "Shri Krishna was fortunate. There was only one Arjun to ask him questions, but I have a number of Arjuns!"


There may be some trees in front of your school. Some trees may be behind your school. You may go there with your friends. Keep your notebooks with you. Sit in a quiet place. Watch everything around you quietly. Look in front of you. Look behind the plants and on the branches of the trees. Watch the birds. Note their colour, shape and size. Find out their names. But be careful. Don't make a noise. Don't disturb them. Some birds may just fly over your head! Watch them, too.

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